Our Services Include:

  • All aspects of tree surgery
  • Tree Felling and Removal- Straight forward felling a tree and removing all associated waste off site 
  • Pollarding- To pollard a tree means to remove the entire top of tree to the main fork of the trunk
  • Tree Reduction- To reduce the overall size of tree in its entirety 
  • Crown Thinning/Canopy Thinning-To remove limbs from the top of the tree to thin out the top.
  • Crown Reduction/Canopy Reduction-To remove limbs of top of tree/ to reduce the general height of tree
  • Crown Lifting/Canopy Lift-To remove lower limbs of tree to higher limbs from ground
  • Hedge Maintenance, Trimming, Lowering, Reduction and Removal-To trim hedge rows small or large
  • Deadwooding- To remove deadwood that may be in the tree to make it safe.
  • Section Dismantling-Where we dismantle tree limb by limb
  • Storm Damage Prevention and Inspection-To identify a dangerous tree and remove the hazardous tree or dangerous part
  • Emergency Tree Work-If a storm damaged tree has fallen in high winds and is dangerous to the public 
  • Conservation and Tree Preservation Orders (TPOs)-We carry out assessment of species that may be covered by a Tree Preservation Order or in a Conservation Area, and fill out all appropriate paper work and submit to the local council.

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    Tree Stump Removal & Tree Stump Grinding.

    A tree root structure is what supports a tree throughout its life and these can be very deep and widespread, this usually goes hand in hand with the size of the tree, therefore digging up the roots is often not an option. That’s where we come in, after we assess the stump we use underground service detection equipment in order to avoid damaging cables, sewers and water pipes etc before any work commences.

    We will then grind stump and surface roots well below ground level to completely remove the root ball and the resulting mulch can then be re used to fill the site, or in other areas of your garden, this ensures that all chippings etc produced in the process are fully re-cycled back into the environment, eventually rotting down providing essential nutrients and nourishment to the soil. Once this is carried out it allows you to use this space for replanting, or ground preparation for other uses such as paving, extra outside storage or space for a lawn or patio area. Our Stump Grinding and Stump Removal service also ensures that any risk of a tree having re growth is nil. 

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